Sunday 26 May 2019

So much nature!

I love spring because nature is just everywhere! The house martins, swallows and swifts fill the air. The frogs in the river can't stop croaking. There are ducklings and egrets on the river. The bright red petals belonging to the poppies brighten up the roadsides, the river banks and the fields.

We are filled with an urge to get out and enjoy this explosion of life and sometimes we have surprises such as a snake on the path by the river or a swift attempting to get into a house martin's nest.

There are activities to get involved in like the otter survey on the Congost river which I participated in on Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately I didn't see any otters but one of the team was lucky enough to spot one on the second evening. I'm motivated to get out and look for them again. I set up my camera trap a couple of weeks ago hoping to capture one. I recorded a mink and not much else, but that is interesting too. There is life on this river of ours which winds through natural areas, alongside dual carriageways and through industrial estates bringing life with it.

Here are some images and videos of everything I've been enjoying in the last few weeks.

Poppies and grasses in front of Montseny

A strip of poppies between Llerona and La Garriga

Sunset during the otter survey 25th May 2019

Certificate for participating in the otter survey

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